Daphne Schipperen

Sr. Recruiter

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U kunt ons vinden op het volgende adres:

EclectiC International Consulting B.V.
Ceresstraat 15F
4811 CA Breda

En wij zijn ook te bereiken via:
+31(0)76 531 6631

phone +31 (0)76 531 6631
email info@eclectic.eu

Al 30 jaar een begrip

Darien Scott-Hill – Freelance Global Technology Manager

I can wholeheartedly recommend EclectiC as being a best in class consultancy service. I have been consulting for over 20 years in several countries globally and what really impressed me with EclectiC was their complete openness and transparency regarding all contractual details. This has been a rare experience to encounter from previous consulting and recruitment companies and is very refreshing! I also appreciated the extra mile that Lee and Peter made by navigating through some difficult obstacles to ensure that my placement was secured

Darien Scott-Hill
Global Technology Manager