Survey Results – Influence of COVID19 crisis on Independent Consultants

Mid of June, 2020 – three months of ‘smart lock-down’ and still going strong. When facing the new reality mid of March of this year, no one had been able to imagine that this would indeed last months rather than weeks. But here we are, three months down the road, arrived in the new reality as our political leaders keep telling us.

As an intermediary for independent IT & Business professionals we see changes in the market on a regular basis. Often enough this leads to a new vision and approach at our clients’ side.

At the same time it is very important for us to carefully watch the candidate / consultants’ side. Therefore EclectiC has conducted some market research amongst a group of a few hundred independent IT & Business Consultants with a special focus on the influence of the COVID 19 crisis on their business.

In a brief summary we would like to share the most important outcome:

  • One third of all consultants have experienced changes to their assignment based on the COVID19 crisis
  • 1 out of 5 consultants did not receive a prolongation or even experienced an early termination of their assignment
  • 6 percent of all consultants had to lower their rate with an average discount of 7 percent
  • In an exchange for project continutity about 11 percent of all consultants are prepared to lower their consulting rates
  • Three fourth of the participants expect it to be more difficult to find a new assignment in the future due to the COVID19 crisis and its economic effects
  • Despite the above mentioned challenges, a huge majority of all participants is a convinced independent consultant and would not seriously think about employment again

If you are interested in more details of the survey, please find enclosed the link to the results per question posed.

 results survey 2020

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EclectiC, 30 years of experience in IT Sourcing

Hans Kalf – Managing Director bij Assai Software Services

Vanaf zomer 2020 werken wij bij Assai samen met EclectiC, zij ondersteunen ons met de werving en selectie van kandidaten voor voornamelijk IT posities, zowel voor ons kantoor in Nederland als internationaal. Ik hecht veel waarde aan de prettige en transparante communicatie, korte lijnen en professionele maar toch informele samenwerking. Zij kennen "de mensen" bij Assai en kijken daarom verder dan alleen de technische vereisten bij het vinden van de juiste kandidaten

Hans Kalf
Managing Director / Assai Software Services