For Clients

Executive search

For Clients

Executive search

+ Years

Of experience in the IT industry


Successfully placed professionals


Satisfied customers

During our years of experience in search and selection, we have completed a large number of successful executive search procedures. This for both SME organizations, but also for larger international corporates. Our clients see EclectiC as a “trusted advisor” and reach out to us when it comes to outsourcing these crucial procedures.

Why executive search? These kinds of procedures involve a “heavy” and “crucial” position within an organization. In many cases an organization does not have the time or the means to set up these procedures in the right way. It sometimes can be a sensitive process, which makes it wise to have this done by an external party. Because there is also often a need to fill the position as quickly as possible, it is often decided to outsource this process to a party that is specialized in this.

EclectiC already has more than 250 satisfied customers, including:

Your executive search procedure by EclectiC

  • We have a proven track record in executive search. Both for key positions in the Netherlands but also internationally. In our regular field we are also used to fill senior assignments or vacancies for large projects. Our network and our approach is geared to this. A heavy executive search procedure is therefore also something that is an extension of our daily business.
  • EclectiC is able to clearly define the requirements of the vacancy along with the most important stakeholders. Through years of market knowledge and experience, our account managers are full sparring partners in the field of the market, the best approach and understanding the requirements of a job. In a personal meeting we would like to discuss in detail whether our approach matches your needs.
  • After we have fully mapped out the assignment and procedure, the account manager discusses the vacancy and procedure with our experienced team of recruiters and sets out the next steps. Our recruiters will then actively search for suitable professionals within, but also outside our network in order to map the entire market.
  • In the meantime, we provide you with updates at agreed times. These include market insights, the status of the procedure and so on.  
  • When we have identified a number of suitable candidates, the procedure really begins. This always consists of an initial meeting between the potential candidate and an experienced recruiter. If this interview is positive, it will be followed by a 2nd personal interview with the account manager and recruiter. When this interview is green-lit, we prepare the introduction. We do this by checking references, critically assessing the CV, discussing salary requirements, conditions and by having the candidate write an appropriate motivation.
  • From several interviews we select the best fitting 2 or 3 professionals. We introduce them in consultation (digitally or in person) and meet with you to explain and schedule interviews.
  • In the next steps we also offer our services, always in consultation. We can guide or support you during the interview phase. We will also be happy to assist you in the final phase, during any negotiations and when closing the deal with the right person.

Why others choose EclectiC

Since summer 2020 we at Assai are working together with EclectiC. They support us with the recruitment and selection of candidates for mainly IT positions, both for our office in the Netherlands and internationally. I value the pleasant and transparent communication, short lines and professional yet informal cooperation. They know "the people" at Assai and therefore look beyond just the technical requirements when finding the right candidates.

Hans Kalf
Managing Director / Assai Software Services

Wij kunnen jou helpen met:

Cruciale posities invullen

Het invullen van zware cruciale posities binnen diverse vakgebieden (IT, Sales, HR, Finance);

Op maat

Een op maat gemaakte werving- en selectieprocedure in overeenstemming met uw wensen;

Volwaardige gesprekspartner

Volwaardige gesprekspartner op gebied van de arbeidsmarkt, benadering, salarissen enzovoort;

Professionele recruitment aanpak

Een professionele recruitmentaanpak, marktconforme fees en altijd een garantietermijn.

Contact us without obligation

Are you looking for a new IT colleague who fits the culture, values ​​and ambitions of the organization? With our knowledge of the labor market and our years of experience, we can take the entire recruitment and selection procedure off your hands. We strive for quality, transparency and long-term relationships. Get in touch to discuss the possibilities.

Get in touch ➔
Maurits Reuter

Hoe gaat EclectiC te werk

  1. Kennismaking en bespreken van de opdracht en vereisten
    In een persoonlijke kennismaking bespreekt één van onze senior accountmanagers de functie, de de belangrijkste vereisten. En bespreken we wat de meest geschikte passende aanpak is.

  2. Opzetten search en persoonlijke interviews kandidaten
    Wij staan voor actieve recruitment. Wij benaderen de best passende professionals voor jouw vacature en hechten veel waarde aan het toetsen van de soft skills. Ons ervaren recruitmentteam en de verantwoordelijke accountmanager zijn betrokken bij de selectieprocedure, bestaande uit 2-3 selectiegesprekken waarvan ten minste 1 face to face interview.

  3. Introductie kandidaten
    Voorafgaand aan de introductiefase selecteren wij de 2 of 3 best passende professionals, die wij gekwalificeerd hebben op basis van technische en soft skills. De introductie gaat gepaard met een volledig en up to date CV, een referentiecheck, een motivatie, de salarisverwachting en eventuele andere zaken die van belang zijn. Tijdens de interviews hoef je alleen te bepalen met wie je de beste klik hebt.

  4. De afrondende fase
    In overleg hanteren wij een advies- of bemiddelingsrol. Dat wil zeggen dat wij kunnen ondersteunen bij eventuele onderhandelingsgesprekken of kunnen adviseren bij opstellen en communiceren van de arbeidsovereenkomst.

team EclectiC

Get in touch with EclectiC

We will contact you as soon as possible.

General contact details

location_onCeresstraat 15F, 4811 CA Breda
phone+31 (0)76 531 6631

More than 250 companies preceded you:

Assai postnl JDE

Joost it Royal Flora Holland KPMG