Business Process Consulting

Often enough the implementation of a new system is only the second or third step if an organisation needs to be taken to the next level.

At the beginning Business and Data Analysis efforts are taken in order to get an overview on the current situation. Business Processes are examined, Workflows are mapped, changes in terms of cost and time efficiency are made. In the end a recommendation for a new IT system or the alteration of the current one could be one of the outcomes.

EclectiC has always been dealing with consultants on the interface of Business and IT. Our network consists of Business Professionals with solid IT knowledge and IT Specialists with the broader understanding for the business of our clients. This way we are able to provide you with Consultants that are able to make a real difference and help your organisation to be prepared for the future.

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Lets find out what EclectiC can do for you
EclectiC, 30 years of experience in IT Sourcing

Richard Bekenbroek, Freelance Scrum- ; Agile Coach

De dienstverlening van EclectiC is altijd service-gericht, professioneel en vriendelijk. Alle contacten verlopen laagdrempelig en vragen of acties worden snel opgepakt. Tevens hebben ze mij als partner fijn begeleid in het onboarding-proces bij mijn huidige opdrachtgever. De vruchten hiervan pluk ik nog steeds in de vorm van een fijne samenwerking!

Richard Bekenbroek
Freelance Scrum- ; Agile Coach