Celebration Time! EclectiC’s 25th anniversary celebrated in style

Last Sunday we had a great celebration moment of EclectiC’s 25th anniversary.

The event has taken place at Kerckebosch Castle in Zeist, not far away from where the company has been launched in 1992. Among employees and former employees of the company we have been fortunate enough to welcome partners, friends and clients of the company. It was a great evening with moving speeches and lots of fun conversation about former times and current successes.

Thanks everyone for being there and for paying your tribute to the company. We are proud and truly thankful for being 25 years in business!

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EclectiC, 30 years of experience in IT Sourcing

Hans Kalf – Managing Director bij Assai Software Services

Vanaf zomer 2020 werken wij bij Assai samen met EclectiC, zij ondersteunen ons met de werving en selectie van kandidaten voor voornamelijk IT posities, zowel voor ons kantoor in Nederland als internationaal. Ik hecht veel waarde aan de prettige en transparante communicatie, korte lijnen en professionele maar toch informele samenwerking. Zij kennen "de mensen" bij Assai en kijken daarom verder dan alleen de technische vereisten bij het vinden van de juiste kandidaten

Hans Kalf
Managing Director / Assai Software Services